
Nowadays I work for Progress Plus z o.o. - B2B contract). It has been popular in Poland for quite a while. Such agreements have many undeniable benefits, both for me and the company that hire me. After work I develop my own project or make something for another companies.

Progresss Plus website

My work is my hobby

I do what I like and what I can enjoy.

From time to time I wonder why I it's that. Here are my thoughts on why my work is my hobby. I am creative and I alwasys want to make something new, discover and realize the best ideas. Software developent is so hard, but for me it's easer challange than cooking or painting. I have keeping myself updating with latest trends and technology for almost ten last years. I aproch each project indiwidual, I am ably to listen to the needs of clients.

  • Knowledge


    Technology is changing so I try to read and learn a few book - not to much. You can't know everything

  • Fast


    Big experience makes me easier my work. I know how and what I should to do. I can develop any software really fast creating documentation for other people of team.

  • Splendid


    The most important issue for me is secure of my solution and useful. I subscribe many portals about bugs, like 'hackerone', 'securak' etc.

My Experience with work

Software development is a challenging field. You know, new trends, technologies and difficult task. You can get up early if you want but you always have not time to make all perfect. Alter two months you open old project and see your bugs. This is 'software development' 🤣

Each one of us has been part of team. When I work alone I always divide a project into smaller parts and steps.

  • First step


    I undertake a process of information and data collection. Then I identify a solution for resolving the problem

  • Second step


    I talk my UI/UX friends about ideas and interface.

  • Third step


    I collect all information and decide what technology will be perfect to realize project. Then I sit and develop.

  • Fourth step


    I send or install finish project according to terms of contract.